You don’t want confidence, you want the action it’ll instigate

We look for the traits. How do I feel more confident? How do I increase my motivation? How do I become more disciplined?

But beyond the felt state of less reluctance and fear that these qualities create within, what’s their physical manifestation? To what end are you actually looking for them?

So you can take action.

In other words, you don’t want more confidence, motivation, positivity, courage, or discipline—you want the action they’ll enable you to take. And when you act, the traits follow. But it’s not about them, anyways.

Don’t let the means stop you from getting what you really want. The traits are just this–means to an end. It is the end that matters. The conversation you want to start, the business you want to launch, the workout you want to do.

Lack of confidence never stops you from working toward your goals. Lack of action does.