When we have resistance to ask for the love, care, help, attention we need often that’s because there’s an underlying assumption that if we deserved them, we wouldn’t have to ask for them.
This attitude is a disservice to us on two levels: a) because we’re putting other people in charge of deciding what we’re deserving of, which is victimhood mentality; and b) because we’re questioning whether we deserve what we need.
Whether our parents treated our siblings more favourably, or they didn’t give us the attention and affection we needed, or they were too critical of us—our childhood experiences often scar us and leave us questioning our worth.
But our worth is inherent. Each of us is an unique expression of life—we are the love, possibility, and abundance that life is. Our value is not contingent on other peoples’ assessment of us or on our own assessment of ourselves—it has nothing to do with how we are treated, what we have achieved, who we are. Our impressions of our worth may change all the time, but our real worth is inherent and never changes throughout the course of our life.