We create other people

We don’t just create ourselves, we create other people. The way we view them and treat them stimulate and surface aspects of who they are. 

We can see and react to either their gifts or their so-called inadequacies, to what they give or what they lack, who they are or who they’re not.   

And what we see in others is defined by our own self-perception.

If someone believes themselves to be unworthy, they’re likely to see a gesture of generosity as an attempt to be taken advantage of. 

If someone thinks they don’t deserve love, they’re more likely to focus on what’s missing in their loved ones rather than on what’s there. 

We can be so unable to receive love that we subconsciously discredit, disrespect, disregard those that give it to us. 

Our own relationship to ourselves—how we view and perceive ourselves—gives rise to all of our other relationships and to our full experience of life.