The centre of the universe

To make ourselves the centre of our world is one of the most humble things we could do. Unlike how it may sound, it’s not playing life, it’s the opposite of it—it’s stepping out of life’s way. It’s not pretending that we’re the powerful, it’s surrendering our power. It’s accepting life, as it is.

It’s to assume our infinitesimal role in the interconnectedness of everything, with the humility that’s on the other side of realising that the only control we have is in giving up control.

In the vast complexity of everything, our actions can’t shape anything but the absence of the attempt to shape. And this leads us to stepping out of life’s way and letting it flow though us, which ironically is the precursor to having all the creative power we’ll ever have. Because it’s when we stop resisting and fighting life that we can really be the life that we are.

Each universe is individual, and each individual is an expression of the universe. We are each a fractal of the whole. And each fractal is its own centre, its own prism through which the universe experiences and expresses itself in eight billion ways.

The degree to which we can make ourselves the centre of our individual universe by taking care of ourselves and allowing life as it is is the degree to which we can step out of the illusion of our own grandeur and find humility and peace in our significant insignificance.