How to know you’re listening to the Voice of Fear, aka Inner Critic

Life is more draining than energising.

Your mood is low.

You’re engaging in some form of emotional numbing: avoidance and/or distraction activities.

You’re perfecting something over and over and over again.

You’re being negligent about something that’s important.

You feel depressed or anxious.

You’re over-eating, over-exercising, over-sleeping—or under-eating, under-exercising, under-sleeping.

You’re comparing yourself to others—and they’re outshining you big time.

You’re thinking in terms of “always” and “never”.

You’re ruminating about the past or worrying about the future.

You have a desire to control, structure and organise everything.

You feel scattered, overwhelmed, confused.

You are thinking of getting in touch with the ex that mistreated you.

Everyone else is smarter, happier and more successful than you are.

They are also much better at everything than you are.

You feel fearful and despondent.

You’re beating yourself up for something.

The joy and playfulness are largely missing.

You think you’re “not” something. Perhaps quite a few things in fact: not good enough, not accomplished enough, not impressive enough, not deserving enough.

You doubt yourself and your decisions.

You lack clarity.

If one or more of these resonate, you are most likely listening to your Voice of Fear.

The Voice of Fear resides within the most ancient part of our brain—the limbic system.

This part of our brain is designed to ensure our physical survival by activating our fight or flight response. This is useful if we’re in physical danger—e.g. a tiger approaching. If the Voice of Fear is screaming “run” to us then, we better listen.

In all other situations, however, the Voice of Fear is neither a helpful advisor nor is it telling us the truth.

When we attune inwards, we discover that there’s another voice that’s available to us—the Voice of Wisdom, Respect and Love. That voice is calm, measured and wise. It is the voice of our higher guidance. And this is the voice that’s telling us the truth about who we are and what life is.

I help the clients I work with to get to know these voices, disidentify from the Voice of Fear, and learn to listen to the Voice of Wisdom.

This leads to higher levels of energy, more joy, more happiness, and an overall sense of lightness and relief. It also helps clients transition from scarcity to abundance mindset. It’s a powerful, deeply empowering and a very liberating shift.

If you’ve been buying into the Voice of Fear, please remember you don’t have to. 99% of the time, it’s not telling you the truth.

If you want to learn how to live from your Voice of Wisdom, I’d love to have a chat.