Does the tree make a sound if nobody’s listening?
If a tree falls in the forest when nobody is listening, does it make a sound?
Does the tree make a sound if nobody’s listening? Read More »
If a tree falls in the forest when nobody is listening, does it make a sound?
Does the tree make a sound if nobody’s listening? Read More »
A lot of the work we do on ourselves revolves around actions and results. We want different results, and experts and guidance point us to the actions we can take to achieve them.
It is comforting to think that life doesn’t happen in chaotic bursts of randomness, but is instead governed by an intelligent organising force.
We create higher meaning Read More »
Thinking about what is true, and what is real, what is fictitious and illusory helps bring some perspective as we ponder how we spend our time and what’s valuable to us.
Truth, reality and fiction Read More »
We think of certain behaviours as functional and of others as dysfunctional, constructive vs destructive, adaptive vs maladaptive. Generally we consider attitudes and actions that help us move closer to happiness, peace, abundance as good.
The unlovable is love looking for itself Read More »
The real benefit of learning from painful past experiences is not in learning to prevent them but in understanding why they cause pain.
What questions do we need to ask to get to the heart of what really matters? How can we live a life that fills us with the joy of living?
My favourite problems Read More »
Why does failure bother us so much? Why does it often evoke such strong emotional reaction in us? Why are we so afraid of it we wouldn’t attempt things to avoid it?
Why failure really bothers us Read More »
On one of these mornings when I was consumed with self-doubt, self-blame and shame, I wrote some notes to myself on how to be with this. On how not to give up on projects when I most want to give up; how not to question myself, when I am full of self-doubt. To achieve happiness, avoid pain. To avoid pain, be with pain.
What I do when I’m full of self-doubt and judgement Read More »
How to find the main obstacle that’s preventing you from meeting your deadlines and getting the results you want.
Why am I finding it difficult to stick with my writing deadline? Read More »