The wolf in sheep’s clothes

Our minds are primed to spot patterns. Patterns of expression, patterns of behaviour, patterns of being. Processing new information is one of the most metabolically intensive activities and our brains have evolved to mitigate that by developing mental shortcuts. Heuristics enable us to take in, interpret and react to information in efficient ways.

The learn to decode the person by the way they dress, their level of education by the way they speak, their characteristics by the neighbourhood they live in.

But often, the one that looks like a hero is actually the villain. Each thing is not just itself but its very opposite too. Beauty expresses itself both as beauty and as ugliness.

Our minds are primed to detect patterns. But each pattern is its anti-pattern too. Our body knows the difference but sometimes it’s difficult to feel into the truth because the mind has been overruling for too long.

Sometimes darkness comes in the form of light. Suffering comes in the form of joy. And when they do, they’re difficult to see for what they really are.