A lot of the marketing advice for entrepreneurs, creatives and businesses is to niche down and create a very clearly defined and narrow offering, for a very clearly defined and narrow audience.
This makes sense in many ways. Consistency builds results. Having a distinguishable definition, as an entrepreneur or business, helps people know who you are, what you stand for, and ultimately if they connect with you or not. Narrow focus can theoretically bring quicker returns. Expertise wins trust—being known as an authority within a particular field can stimulate that.
But, while developing a narrow expertise is sensible in many ways and is also a conveniently clever message for marketers to hook clients on, I believe it’s not the right strategy for everyone.
It can lead to oversimplification, to unnecessary restriction and ultimately a misrepresentation of you and your offering.
In other words, box yourself, but box yourself within your own unique, made-to-measure box. A box that’s tailored to you, to who you are, and that’s as diverse, broad, narrow or multifaceted as you are.
Don’t let proven strategies, established experts and common sense restrict you to a box that’s smaller than you are and that doesn’t capture and represent you, your offering and your skills.