Making space for what is

So often when we navigate periods of deep change, grief or loss, we are so focused on getting to the other side that we forget the aspect of ourselves that’s transitioning and grieving. Fear and pain are an intrinsic part of change. And they’re so uncomfortable to be with, that we can get all so push, push, push in the search for new ground and stability. But ironically, the breakthroughs happen when we make space for the instability. When we allow ourselves to not know and to actually be with the fear, uncertainty and grief.

This morning, I allowed myself to veer off my plan for the day, and I went for a run. And I loved it! It was a very beautiful, crisp morning, and I felt more energised and connected than I have in a long time. I’ve recently been running in the afternoons, due to pragmatic reasons, but actually I really love running in the mornings.

And, so, here’s the other thing. We often do what makes sense rather than what we love. And as we go, push, push, push, we forget that all we really get in life is our experience of life.

So to the extent to which you can, do something kind for yourself today. A small gesture of care, presence with yourself and with whatever you’re going through, attentiveness to your needs.