Life is difficult when we’re misaligned

When we live the life we should, not the life we love—

When we abandon ourselves to meet the expectations of family and friends—

When we don’t belong—with our community, city, career, and mainly with our true self—

Life is difficult.

Small things feel overwhelming: replying to text messages, booking a restaurant, doing the grocery shopping. You are in survival mode, not in expansion mode. And the more misaligned you are, the more strained your nervous system is.

Life doesn’t optimise for more of the same, it optimises for variety. It encourages uniqueness and authenticity. The dissonance and heaviness you experience when you’re misaligned is its way of steering you toward your authentic self.

It takes courage, discernment and determination to follow its guidance and look within.

On the other side of all the musts and shoulds is who you really are. And when you come home to the real you, there’s ease, there’s joy, there’s energy and vitality.